Vanguard Russell 3000 ETF

Yield per half year: -1.07%
Industry: Large Cap Growth Equities

Category Share, % Quantity
Technology 34.59 388
Financials 11.92 441
Healthcare 11.8 453
Industrials 9.68 415
Consumer Discretionary 7.43 219
Consumer Staples 6.76 146
Energy 3.43 120
Real Estate 2.65 183
Utilities 2.52 77
Materials 2.35 89
Telecom 1.66 46
Consumer Cyclical 0.24 66
High Tech 0.13 26
Communication Services 0.07 19
Other 0.04 2
Металлургия Черн. 0.02 1
Нефтегаз 0.01 3
Потреб 0 1
Exchange Share, % Quantity
New York Stock Exchange 51.78 1397
NASDAQ 48.07 1297
XETRA Stock Exchange 0.04 1
London Stock Exchange 0.04 1
Bombay Stock Exchange 0.04 1
Внебиржевой рынок акций с ЦК 0.04 1

Share by country

Country Quantity Companies
United States 955
United Kingdom 9
Ireland 11
Switzerland 4
Luxembourg 2
Brazil 1
Bermuda 10
Canada 2
Australia 1
South Korea 1
Germany 1
Netherlands 1
Cayman Islands 2
Monaco 1

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