Portfolio "Демо портфель" ($)

34 690.36 $
Attached 22 746.97 $
+11 943.39 $ 52.51 %
-32.57 $ -0.0938 % in day
-36.7 %
With reinvestment 2.4 %
Passive income
874.03 $ 20.57 %
72.84 $ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Currency 2 174.65 6.27 % 0 $ 0 %
Shares 22 201.45 64.00 % +10 938.13 $ 97.11 %
Bonds 6 625.73 19.10 % +68.08 $ 1.04 %
ETF 1 952.90 5.63 % +237.27 $ 13.83 %
Cryptocurrencies 1 735.62 5.00 % +699.91 67.58 %
Initial cost: 22 746.97 $
Price: 34 690.36 $
Profitability: +11 943.39 $ ( 52.51 % )
Profitability per year: -36.7 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: -36.7 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 2.4 %
Income per year: 874.03 $
Income per month: 72.84 $
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TitlePurchase price, $Current price, $QuantityInitial amount, $Current amount, $ChangesChanges, %Share, %
Доллар 1 1 860.92 860.92 860.92 0 0% 39.59
Рубль 0.0119 0.0119 110 182.36 1 313.73 1 313.73 0 0% 60.41
Quantity: 2111 043.282 174.652 174.650.000000.00000100%
Price 2 174.65 $
Current cost 2 174.65 $
Current income 0.00 $
Current yield 0 %
Profitability per year 0 %
en.porti.ru1. Jan20 JanFeb '25Feb '2510 Feb10 Feb20 Feb20 FebMar '25Mar '2510 Mar10 Mar20 Mar20 Mar
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, $Share, %
Apple (AAPL) 171.23 $ 216.98 $ 2 739.62 $ 3 471.68 $ +732.06 $ +26.72% 16 16 15.64
Coca-Cola (KO) 59.68 $ 69.94 $ 1 074.31 $ 1 258.92 $ +184.61 $ +17.18% 18 44.1 5.67
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) 312.79 $ 383.27 $ 2 189.53 $ 2 682.89 $ +493.36 $ +22.53% 7 22.12 12.08
NVIDIA (NVDA) 27.14 $ 115.74 $ 2 985.2 $ 12 731.4 $ +9 746.2 $ +326.48% 110 4.84 57.34
Tesla (TSLA) 320.27 $ 248.09 $ 1 921.61 $ 1 488.54 $ -433.07 $ -22.54% 6 0 6.7
Газпром (GAZP) 214.13 ₽ 160.52 ₽ 1 070.65 ₽ 802.6 ₽ -268.05 ₽ -25.04% 5 0 0.0431
Полюс золото (PLZL) 12 579 ₽ 19 010.5 ₽ 25 158 ₽ 38 021 ₽ +12 863 ₽ +51.13% 2 48.45 2.04
Сбербанк (SBER) 120.78 ₽ 314.88 ₽ 3 381.78 ₽ 8 816.64 ₽ +5 434.86 ₽ +160.71% 28 11.12 0.4735
Quantity: 811 263.3222 201.4510 938.1397.11 %192146.63100
Price 11 263.33 $
Current cost 22 201.45 $
Current income 10 938.13 $
Current yield 97.11 %
Profitability per year 63.58 %
Average dividend yield 0.4479 %
Dividends per year 146.63 $
Dividends per month 12.22 $
Dividends2020151510105500AppleAppleCoca-ColaCoca-ColaMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft CorporationNVIDIANVIDIATeslaTeslaГазпромГазпромПолюс золотоПолюс золотоСбербанкСбербанк
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %QuantityPayout frequencyCoupon yield, %CouponAnnual couponNext payment date
ОФЗ 26233 549.99 ₽ 555.7 ₽ 549 989.99 ₽ 555 700 ₽ +5 710.01 ₽ +1.04% 100 1 000 182 11.09 +362.7 +727.4 30.07.2025
Price 6 557.65 $
Current cost 6 625.73 $
Current income 68.08 $
Current yield 1.04 %
Profitability per year 0.3402 %
Average coupon yield 11.09 %
Coupons per year 727.4 $
Coupons per month 60.62 $
NKD 109.57 $
Coupon yield121299663300ОФЗ 26233ОФЗ 26233


TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %Quantity
БПИФ Ликвидность УК ВИМ (LQDT) 1.44 ₽ 1.64 ₽ 143 890 ₽ 163 790 ₽ +19 900 ₽ +13.83% 100 100 000
Price 1 715.63 $
Current cost 1 952.90 $
Current income 237.27 $
Current yield 13.83 %
Profitability per year 13.83 %
Amount of money spent on commissions 5.86 $
Profitability ETF1515121299663300БПИФ Ликвидность УК ВИМБПИФ Ликвидность УК ВИМ


TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %Quantity
Bitcoin (bitcoin) 51 785.44 $ 86 781.06 $ 1 035.71 $ 1 735.62 $ +699.91 $ +67.58% 100 0.02
Price 1 035.71 $
Current cost 1 735.62 $
Current income 699.91 $
Current yield 67.58 %
Profitability per year 61.67 %
