Portfolio "Демо портфель" (₽)

3 101 743.04 ₽
Attached 2 455 521.76 ₽
+646 221.27 ₽ 26.32 %
+1 365 933.04 ₽ 78.69 % in day
91.76 %
With reinvestment 0.9814 %
Passive income
54 127.44 ₽ 36.75 %
4 510.62 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Currency 11 590.47 0.37 % +1 499.7 ₽ 14.86 %
Shares 3 042 544.43 98.09 % +651 579.8 ₽ 27.25 %
Bonds 4 223.64 0.14 % -996.26 ₽ -19.09 %
ETF 43 384.50 1.40 % -5 861.96 ₽ -11.9 %
Initial cost: 2 455 521.76 ₽
Price: 3 101 743.04 ₽
Profitability: +646 221.27 ₽ ( 26.32 % )
Profitability per year: 91.76 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: 91.76 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 0.9814 %
Income per year: 54 127.44 ₽
Income per month: 4 510.62 ₽
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TitlePurchase price, ₽Current price, ₽QuantityInitial amount, ₽Current amount, ₽ChangesChanges, %Share, %
Доллар 71.38 83.83 120.42 8 595.11 10 094.81 +1 499.7 +17.45% 87.1
Рубль 1 1 1 495.66 1 495.66 1 495.66 0 0% 12.9
Quantity: 21 616.0810 090.7711 590.47749.858.72100%
Price 10 090.77 ₽
Current cost 11 590.47 ₽
Current income 1 499.70 ₽
Current yield 14.86 %
Profitability per year 6.2 %
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
3M Company (MMM) 183.87 $ 153.5 $ 1 470.92 $ 1 228 $ -242.92 $ -16.51% 8 1 897.91 3.38
AT&T (T) 25.48 $ 27.31 $ 738.98 $ 791.99 $ +53.01 $ +7.17% 29 2 698.49 2.18
Apple (AAPL) 167.05 $ 223.75 $ 3 842.22 $ 5 146.25 $ +1 304.03 $ +33.94% 23 1 928.09 14.18
Beyond Meat (BYND) 64.99 $ 3.34 $ 1 364.86 $ 70.14 $ -1 294.72 $ -94.86% 21 0 0.1933
Coca-Cola (KO) 58.74 $ 68.81 $ 528.69 $ 619.29 $ +90.6 $ +17.14% 9 1 848.45 1.71
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) 303.61 $ 395.16 $ 3 946.97 $ 5 137.08 $ +1 190.11 $ +30.15% 13 4 348.26 14.15
NVIDIA (NVDA) 24.74 $ 120.69 $ 1 732.01 $ 8 448.3 $ +6 716.29 $ +387.77% 70 258.2 23.28
Realty Income (O) 69.61 $ 55.65 $ 1 322.58 $ 1 057.35 $ -265.23 $ -20.05% 19 5 448.07 2.91
Tesla (TSLA) 323.82 $ 288.14 $ 10 686.13 $ 9 508.62 $ -1 177.51 $ -11.02% 33 0 26.2
Газпром (GAZP) 340.61 ₽ 154.99 ₽ 7 493.4 ₽ 3 409.78 ₽ -4 083.62 ₽ -54.5% 22 0 0.1121
Полюс золото (PLZL) 1 166.5 ₽ 1 870 ₽ 198 305 ₽ 317 900 ₽ +119 595 ₽ +60.31% 170 34 539.75 10.45
Русагро (RAGR) 159.38 ₽ 166.1 ₽ 32 355.01 ₽ 33 718.3 ₽ +1 363.29 ₽ +4.21% 203 0 1.11
Сбербанк (SBER) 283.39 ₽ 311.99 ₽ 3 967.53 ₽ 4 367.86 ₽ +400.33 ₽ +10.09% 14 466.2 0.1436
Quantity: 132 390 964.643 042 544.43651 579.7927.25 %63453 433.42100
Price 2 390 964.63 ₽
Current cost 3 042 544.43 ₽
Current income 651 579.80 ₽
Current yield 27.25 %
Profitability per year 31.63 %
Average dividend yield 0.9827 %
Dividends per year 53 433.42 ₽
Dividends per month 4 452.78 ₽
Dividends101088664422003M Company3M CompanyAT&TAT&TAppleAppleBeyond MeatBeyond MeatCoca-ColaCoca-ColaMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft CorporationNVIDIANVIDIARealty IncomeRealty IncomeTeslaTeslaГазпромГазпромПолюс золотоПолюс золотоРусагроРусагроСбербанкСбербанк
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %QuantityPayout frequencyCoupon yield, %CouponAnnual couponNext payment date
АльфаБО-18 950.6 ₽ 1 017.5 ₽ 1 901.2 ₽ 2 035 ₽ +133.8 ₽ +7.04% 48.18 2 182 23.67 +224.38 +449.99 14.07.2025
ОФЗ 26233 829.67 ₽ 547.16 ₽ 3 318.7 ₽ 2 188.64 ₽ -1 130.06 ₽ -34.05% 51.82 4 182 7.35 +121.68 +244.03 30.07.2025
Quantity: 25 219.94 223.64-996.26-19.09 %100%618212.79 %346.06694.02
Price 5 219.9 ₽
Current cost 4 223.64 ₽
Current income -996.26 ₽
Current yield -19.09 %
Profitability per year -4.4 %
Average coupon yield 12.79 %
Coupons per year 694.02 ₽
Coupons per month 57.84 ₽
NKD 130 ₽
Coupon yield2424181812126600АльфаБО-18АльфаБО-18ОФЗ 26233ОФЗ 26233


TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %Quantity
FINEX CHINA UCITS ETF (FXCN) 3 006.57 ₽ 2 646 ₽ 48 105.12 ₽ 42 336 ₽ -5 769.12 ₽ -11.99% 97.58 16
FinEx USA UCITS ETF (FXUS) 63.41 ₽ 58.25 ₽ 1 141.34 ₽ 1 048.5 ₽ -92.84 ₽ -8.13% 2.42 18
Quantity: 249 246.4643 384.5-5 861.96-10.06100%34
Price 49 246.46 ₽
Current cost 43 384.50 ₽
Current income -5 861.96 ₽
Current yield -11.9 %
Profitability per year -3.65 %
Amount of money spent on commissions 390.46 ₽
