Yield per half year: -18.04%
Dividend yield: +3.07%
Sector: Металлургия Черн.

Stock Price Predictions ММК

100%STRICTLY BUYChart created using amCharts library
IdeaPrice forecastChangesExpiration dateAnalyst
ММК: капвложения - в топку 52 ₽ +15.25 ₽ (41.5%) 20.03.2026 ПСБ
ММК: куй железо, пока горячо 55 ₽ +18.25 ₽ (49.66%) 19.02.2026 Атон
ММК: железные дивиденды 67.494 ₽ +30.74 ₽ (83.66%) 25.07.2025 Альфа Инвестиции
ММК: железный аргумент 70 ₽ +33.25 ₽ (90.48%) 19.07.2025 SberCIB
ММК: улететь наверх пора 68.8 ₽ +32.05 ₽ (87.21%) 24.05.2025 КИТ Финанс
ММК: наверстывая упущенное 71.7 ₽ +34.95 ₽ (95.1%) 05.04.2025 Велес Капитал

Summary of Company Analysis ММК

Capitalization = 610.0066747, Grade = 9/10
Revenue = 763.39, Grade = 9/10
EBITDA margin, % = 27.26, Grade = 8/10
Net margin, % = 15.48, Grade = 5/10
ROA, % = 14.41, Grade = 4/10
ROE, % = 19.77, Grade = 6/10
P/E = 4.95, Grade = 10/10
P/S = 0.7661, Grade = 9/10
P/BV = 0.8817, Grade = 9/10
Debt/EBITDA = 0.3485, Grade = 10/10
EBITDA margin high, judging by the multipliers it is estimated fair and interesting to buy.
Earnings per share (887.43%) and EBITDA yield (23.24%) are located on high level, and it’s worth taking a closer look at the purchase.
Efficiency (ROE=19.77%) are located on average, and it is worth analyzing all companies in this industry.


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Dividend payment stability index

DSI - (Dividend Stability Index, DSI7), Dividend payment stability index
DSI = (Yc + Gc) / 14
Yc – number of consecutive years out of the last seven years in which dividends were paid;
Gc - number of consecutive years out of the last seven years in which the dividend amount was not lower than the previous year.
Yc = 7
Gc = 5
DSI = 0.86


Stability index share price increase

SSI - (Stock Stability Index, SSI7) Stability index share price increase
SSI = Yc / 7
Yc – number of consecutive years out of the last seven years in which the stock price was higher than the previous year.
Yc = 3
SSI = 0.43


Warren Buffett Valuation

Analysis and valuation of the company ММК according to Buffett

1. Stable profit, Value = 132.28% > 0
If growth over 5 years / growth over last 12 months > 0
2. Good debt coverage, Value = -0.47 < 3
When will the company be able to pay off the debt within 3 years
3. High return on capital, Value = 21.59% > 15
If the average ROE > 15% over the last 5 years
4. High return on investment capital, Value = 847.27% > 12
If average ROIC > 12% over the last 5 years
5. Positive free cash flow, Value = 19.99 > 0
Positive FCF in the last 12 months
6. Are there any share buybacks?, Value = yes
If the number of shares today < number of shares 5 years ago


Benjamin Graham score

Analysis and valuation of {$company} by Benjamin Graham

1. Adequate company size, Grade = 9/10 (763.39, LTM)
2. Stable financial position (current assets/current liabilities), Grade = 10/10 (-0.47 LTM)
Current assets must be at least twice the current liabilities
3. Stable profit, Grade = 10/10
The company must not have incurred losses over the past 10 years
4. Dividend history, Grade = 10/10
The company must pay dividends for at least 20 years
5. Earnings growth (earnings per share), Value = 887.43%
The company's earnings per share must have increased by at least 1/3 over the last 10 years.
5.5. Share price growth, Value = 7.75%
The share price, as an indicator of the company's profit growth, should increase by at least 1/3 over the last 10 years
5.6. Dividend growth, Value = 38.92%
Dividend payments, as an indicator of company profit growth, should increase by at least 1/3 over the last 10 years
6. Optimal price/earnings ratio, Grade = 9/10 (5.16 LTM)
The current share price should not exceed the average earnings for the last three years by more than 15 times
7. The optimal value of the price/book value ratio, Grade = 9/10 (0.93 LTM)
The current share price should not exceed its book value by more than 1.5 times


Score by Peter Lynch

Analysis and evaluation of {$company} according to Lynch

1. Current assets exceed last year's = 662 > 688.6
Comparison of assets for the last 2 years. If the last year exceeds the previous one, this is a good sign
2. Debt reduction = 72.52 < 47.3
Reducing debt over recent years is a good sign
3. Excess cash debt = 161.81 > 72.52
If cash exceeds debt load, this is a good sign, which means the company is not at risk of bankruptcy.
4. Are there any share buybacks? = yes
If the number of shares today < number of shares 5 years ago
5. Increased earnings per share = 10.58 > 0
Increased earnings per share compared to the previous year. This means efficiency is increasing, and this is a good sign.
6. Valuation of P/E and EPS versus price = 57.11 < 36.75
If the P/E and earnings per share are less than the share price, then the share is undervalued (see “The Peter Lynch Method,” page 182)


Dividend strategy

1. Current dividend = 5.246 ₽.
1.5. Dividend yield = 3.07% , Grade = 3.07/10
2. Number of years of dividend growth = 1 , Grade = 1.43/10
2.1. Number of recent years when the dividend percentage increased = 0
2.2. Number of years of dividend payment = 22
3. DSI = 0.86 , Grade = 8.57/10
4. Average dividend growth = -12.87% , Grade = 0/10
5. Average percentage for 5 years = 5.35% , Grade = 5.35/10
6. Average percentage for payments = 329.07% , Grade = 3.04/10
7. Difference with sector = 20.12, Industry average = -17.05% , Grade = 0/10


Dividend policy ММК

Дивидендная политика (ноябрь 2019 г.) ММК подразумевает выплату дивидендов в размере не менее 100% свободного денежного потока (FCF), если чистый долг/EBITDA менее 1.0х. В случае превышения коэффициентом значения 1.0х, сумма средств, направляемая на выплату дивидендов, будет составлять не менее 50% свободного денежного потока. Компания имеет низкую долговую нагрузку, сохраняя возможность наращивания дивидендных выплат.

Beta coefficient

β > 1 – the profitability (as well as volatility) of such securities is very sensitive to market changes. Such assets are more exposed to risk, but potentially more profitable. In general, such securities can be called aggressive;
β = 1 – the profitability of such a security will change equally with the profitability of the market (stock index);
0 < β < 1 – with such a beta, assets are less exposed to market risk and, as a result, less volatile. Such securities have less risk, but are also less profitable in the future;
β = 0 – there is no connection between the security and the market (index) as a whole;
β < 0 – the yield of securities with a negative beta goes in the opposite direction to the market.

β = 0.65 - in 90 days
β = 2.84 - in 1 year
β = 1.93 - in 3 years

PEG ratio

PEG = 1 - the company's shares have a fair valuation.
PEG < 1 – shares are undervalued.
PEG > 1 - shares may be “overheated”.
PEG < 0 - the company is doing worse.
PEG = P/E / (Growth + Div %)

PEG = 5.4 / (38 + 3.07) = 0.1315

Graham index

NCAV = 14.23 per share (ncav/market cap = 26%)
Net Current Asset Value, NCAV = Total Current Assets – Total Liabilities
   Price = 36.75
   undervalued = 258.26%
   purchase at 50-70% (price range: 7.12 - 9.96), more than 100% overpriced

NNWC = 6.12 per share (nnwc/market cap = 11%)
Net-net Working Capital (NNWC) = Cash and short-term investments + (Receivables * 75%) + (Inventory * 50%) - Total liabilities
   Price = 36.75
   undervalued = 600.49%
   purchase at 50-70% (price range: 3.06 - 4.28), more than 100% overpriced

Total Liabilities/P = 0.3913
Total Liabilities/P = 238.693 / 610.0066747
The Total Liabilities/P coefficient must be less than 0.1

P/S = 0.6
P/S = Capitalization / Revenue
The P/S ratio should be between 0.3 - 0.5. The closer the multiplier value is to 0.3, the better. Describes the company's sales.
