Portfolio "мой" (₽)

26 576.33 ₽
Attached 19 102.98 ₽
+7 473.35 ₽ 39.12 %
+71.9 ₽ 0.2713 % in day
-2.93 %
With reinvestment 5.71 %
Passive income
2 002.88 ₽ 41.99 %
166.91 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Currency 6 629.43 24.94 % 0 ₽ 0 %
Shares 19 946.90 75.06 % +7 473.35 ₽ 59.91 %
Initial cost: 19 102.98 ₽
Price: 26 576.33 ₽
Profitability: +7 473.35 ₽ ( 39.12 % )
Profitability per year: -2.93 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: -2.93 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 5.71 %
Income per year: 2 002.88 ₽
Income per month: 166.91 ₽
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TitlePurchase price, ₽Current price, ₽QuantityInitial amount, ₽Current amount, ₽ChangesChanges, %Share, %
Рубль 1 1 6 629.43 6 629.43 6 629.43 0 0% 100
Price 6 629.43 ₽
Current cost 6 629.43 ₽
Current income 0.00 ₽
Current yield 0 %
Profitability per year 0 %
en.porti.ru1. Jan20 JanFeb '25Feb '2510 Feb10 Feb20 Feb20 FebMar '25Mar '2510 Mar10 Mar20 Mar20 Mar
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
Fix Price (FIXP) 389.4 ₽ 181.9 ₽ 778.8 ₽ 363.8 ₽ -415 ₽ -53.29% 2 70.63 1.82
АЛРОСА (ALRS) 79.76 ₽ 57.81 ₽ 797.6 ₽ 578.1 ₽ -219.5 ₽ -27.52% 10 45.1 2.9
Банк Санкт-Петербург (BSPB) 67.34 ₽ 406.11 ₽ 673.4 ₽ 4 061.1 ₽ +3 387.7 ₽ +503.07% 10 803.5 20.36
Детский Мир (DSKY) 85.6 ₽ 71.2 ₽ 856 ₽ 712 ₽ -144 ₽ -16.82% 10 0 3.57
МТС (MTSS) 213.1 ₽ 239.3 ₽ 2 131 ₽ 2 393 ₽ +262 ₽ +12.29% 10 350 12
Магнит (MGNT) 3 362 ₽ 4 717.5 ₽ 3 362 ₽ 4 717.5 ₽ +1 355.5 ₽ +40.32% 1 412.13 23.65
ТГК-1 (TGKA) 0.0075 ₽ 0.0079 ₽ 752.8 ₽ 791.4 ₽ +38.6 ₽ +5.13% 100 000 0 3.97
Татнефть priv. (TATN) 321.6 ₽ 657.5 ₽ 643.2 ₽ 1 315 ₽ +671.8 ₽ +104.45% 2 161.52 6.59
Эталон (ETLN) 74.95 ₽ 72.4 ₽ 374.75 ₽ 362 ₽ -12.75 ₽ -3.4% 5 0 1.81
Яндекс (Yandex) (YDEX) 2 104 ₽ 4 653 ₽ 2 104 ₽ 4 653 ₽ +2 549 ₽ +121.15% 1 160 23.33
Quantity: 1012 473.5519 946.97 473.3559.91 %100 0512 002.88100
Price 12 473.55 ₽
Current cost 19 946.90 ₽
Current income 7 473.35 ₽
Current yield 59.91 %
Profitability per year 50.44 %
Average dividend yield 7.61 %
Dividends per year 2 002.88 ₽
Dividends per month 166.91 ₽
Dividends808060604040202000Fix PriceFix PriceАЛРОСААЛРОСАБанк Санкт-ПетербургБанк Санкт-ПетербургДетский МирДетский МирМТСМТСМагнитМагнитТГК-1ТГК-1Татнефть priv.Татнефть priv.ЭталонЭталонЯндекс (Yandex)Яндекс (Yandex)
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