Portfolio "Основной 2" (₽)

753 339.56 ₽
Attached 779 949.56 ₽
-26 610 ₽ -3.41 %
-3 949.46 ₽ -0.5215 % in day
-3.41 %
With reinvestment 10.6 %
Passive income
120 697.45 ₽ 180.39 %
10 058.12 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Shares 421 256.85 55.92 % -24 037.29 ₽ -5.4 %
Bonds 313 263.30 41.58 % -1 445.6 ₽ -0.4593 %
ETF 18 819.41 2.50 % -1 127.12 ₽ -5.65 %
Initial cost: 779 949.56 ₽
Price: 753 339.56 ₽
Profitability: -26 610 ₽ ( -3.41 % )
Profitability per year: -3.41 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: -3.41 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 10.6 %
Income per year: 120 697.45 ₽
Income per month: 10 058.12 ₽
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
X5 Retail Group (X5) 3 180 ₽ 3 485.5 ₽ 63 600 ₽ 69 710 ₽ +6 110 ₽ +9.61% 20 0 16.55
АЛРОСА (ALRS) 75.56 ₽ 54.85 ₽ 34 002 ₽ 24 682.5 ₽ -9 319.5 ₽ -27.41% 450 2 029.5 5.86
Интер РАО (IRAO) 4 ₽ 3.64 ₽ 24 002.39 ₽ 21 846 ₽ -2 156.39 ₽ -8.98% 6 000 4 078.53 5.19
Лукойл (LKOH) 7 597.2 ₽ 7 084 ₽ 37 986 ₽ 35 420 ₽ -2 566 ₽ -6.76% 5 7 765 8.41
НЛМК (NLMK) 213.07 ₽ 141.44 ₽ 6 392 ₽ 4 243.2 ₽ -2 148.8 ₽ -33.62% 30 762.9 1.01
НОВАТЭК (NVTK) 1 320.56 ₽ 1 249 ₽ 13 205.6 ₽ 12 490 ₽ -715.6 ₽ -5.42% 10 795.9 2.96
Роснефть (ROSN) 537.45 ₽ 497.05 ₽ 3 762.15 ₽ 3 479.35 ₽ -282.8 ₽ -7.52% 7 458.36 0.8259
Сбербанк (SBER) 289.9 ₽ 306 ₽ 43 485 ₽ 45 900 ₽ +2 415 ₽ +5.55% 150 4 995 10.9
Сургутнефтегаз (SNGS) 32.79 ₽ 25.63 ₽ 22 952 ₽ 17 941 ₽ -5 011 ₽ -21.83% 700 595 4.26
Сургутнефтегаз priv. (SNGS) 56.12 ₽ 53.88 ₽ 157 136 ₽ 150 864 ₽ -6 272 ₽ -3.99% 2 800 34 412 35.81
Транснефть priv. (TRNF) 1 649 ₽ 1 186.4 ₽ 11 543 ₽ 8 304.8 ₽ -3 238.2 ₽ -28.05% 7 1 240.4 1.97
ФосАгро (PHOR) 6 807 ₽ 6 594 ₽ 27 228 ₽ 26 376 ₽ -852 ₽ -3.13% 4 2 892 6.26
Quantity: 12445 294.14421 256.85-24 037.29-5.4 %10 18360 024.59100
Price 445 294.14 ₽
Current cost 421 256.85 ₽
Current income -24 037.29 ₽
Current yield -5.4 %
Profitability per year -4.11 %
Average dividend yield 4.86 %
Dividends per year 60 024.59 ₽
Dividends per month 5 002.05 ₽
Dividends1515121299663300X5 Retail GroupX5 Retail GroupАЛРОСААЛРОСАИнтер РАОИнтер РАОЛукойлЛукойлНЛМКНЛМКНОВАТЭКНОВАТЭКРоснефтьРоснефтьСбербанкСбербанкСургутнефтегазСургутнефтегазСургутнефтегаз priv.Сургутнефтегаз priv.Транснефть priv.Транснефть priv.ФосАгроФосАгро
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %QuantityPayout frequencyCoupon yield, %CouponAnnual couponNext payment date
Газпн3P10R 987 ₽ 984 ₽ 10 857 ₽ 10 824 ₽ -33 ₽ -0.304% 3.46 11 30 0 0 0 23.04.2025
ОФЗ 26245 815.26 ₽ 844.7 ₽ 18 751 ₽ 19 428.1 ₽ +677.1 ₽ +3.61% 6.2 23 182 14.72 +1 376.32 +2 760.2 09.04.2025
ОФЗ 26246 855 ₽ 840.2 ₽ 97 470 ₽ 95 782.8 ₽ -1 687.2 ₽ -1.73% 30.58 114 182 14.04 +6 821.76 +13 681 24.09.2025
ОФЗ 29014 997.99 ₽ 996.1 ₽ 175 647.1 ₽ 175 313.6 ₽ -333.5 ₽ -0.1899% 55.96 176 91 23.57 +10 323.73 +41 408.35 25.06.2025
ОФЗ 29016 998.65 ₽ 992.9 ₽ 11 983.8 ₽ 11 914.8 ₽ -69 ₽ -0.5758% 3.8 12 91 23.56 +703.89 +2 823.3 25.06.2025
Quantity: 5314 708.9313 263.3-1 445.6-0.4593 %100%336115.218.96 %19 225.760 672.85
Price 314 708.9 ₽
Current cost 313 263.3 ₽
Current income -1 445.6 ₽
Current yield -0.4593 %
Profitability per year -0.444 %
Average coupon yield 18.96 %
Coupons per year 60 672.85 ₽
Coupons per month 5 056.07 ₽
NKD 1 609.39 ₽
Coupon yield2424181812126600Газпн3P10RГазпн3P10RОФЗ 26245ОФЗ 26245ОФЗ 26246ОФЗ 26246ОФЗ 29014ОФЗ 29014ОФЗ 29016ОФЗ 29016


TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %Quantity
БПИФ Первая Доступное золото (SBGD) 26.28 ₽ 24.8 ₽ 19 946.52 ₽ 18 819.41 ₽ -1 127.12 ₽ -5.65% 100 759
Price 19 946.52 ₽
Current cost 18 819.41 ₽
Current income -1 127.12 ₽
Current yield -5.65 %
Profitability per year -5.65 %
Amount of money spent on commissions 244.65 ₽
Profitability ETF00-1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-6-6БПИФ Первая Доступное золотоБПИФ Первая Доступное золото
