MOEX: PHOR - ФосАгро

Yield per half year: +24.9%
Dividend yield: +10.65%
Sector: Химия Удобрения

Share chart ФосАгро

About ФосАгро

ФосАгро — производитель фосфорных удобрений. free float около 20% акций в 1 GDR Фосагро 0,333 акции Фосагро. фосфорные удобрения 80% выручки экспорт около 65-70% выручки Россия = 35%Основный рынок — Европа, 25%затем Южная Америка 15% Индия 10% Северная АмерикаСНГа также Африка Азия и АвстралияВесь долг компании — валютный. 2/3 баксы и 1/3 евро.

more details
Компания Фосагро производит удобрения: Диаммоний  фосфат (DAP) Моноаммоний фосфат (амофос) (MAP) Азотные удобрения (NPK) Азотно-фосфорное серосодержащее (Сульфоаммофос) (NPS) Апатитовый концентрат Словарь удобрений: AN Ammonium Nitrate UAN Urea-Ammonia Nitrate DAP Di-Ammonium Phosphate MAP Mono-Ammonium Phosphate NPK Nitrogen-Phosphate-Kali (potash) MOP Muriate Of Potash gran granular stan standard (as opposed to granular) 

Industry Chemicals
Sector Materials
Валюта rub
Валюта отчета rub
Див.доход ао 6.5%
Дивиденд ао 429
Кредитный рейтинг, Moody Baa3
Кредитный рейтинг, S&P BBB-
Кредитный рейтинг, Акра AAA(RU)
Кредитный рейтинг. Fitch BBB-
Кредитный рейтинг. Эксперт ruAAA
Объем в день, млн 165
Цена ао 6555
Change price per day: -1.15% (6631)
Change price per week: -1.64% (6664)
Change price per month: -4.9% (6893)
Change price per 3 month: +2.57% (6391)
Change price per half year: +24.9% (5248)
Change price per year: -2.76% (6741)
Change price per 3 year: -6.36% (7000)
Change price per 5 year: +108.89% (3138)
Change price per 10 year: +149.62% (2626)
Change price per year to date: +2.65% (6386)


Title Value Grade
P/S 1.34 7
P/BV 4.12 1
P/E 8.03 8
EV/EBITDA 5.86 9
Total: 6.75


Title Value Grade
ROA, % 15.15 5
ROE, % 53.41 10
Total: 8


Title Value Grade
Div yield, % 10.65 10
DSI 0.8571 8.57
Total: 6.94


Title Value Grade
Debt/EBITDA 1.94 7
Total: 6.4

Growth impulse

Title Value Grade
Yield Revenue, % 99.97 9
Yield Ebitda, % 183.38 10
Yield EPS, % 146.82 10
Total: 7.8

Head Job title Payment Year of birth
Mr. Mikhail Konstantinovich Rybnikov CEO, Chairman of Management Board & Director N/A 1975 (50 years)
E. V. Valenkova Chief Accountant N/A
Timur Belov Head of Information Policy Division & Press Secretary N/A
Mr. Alexander Fedorovich Sharabaika Deputy Chairman of the Board, Deputy CEO of Finance & International Projects 1977 (48 years)
Mr. Alexei Alexandrovich Sirotenko Deputy CEO of Corporate & Legal Affairs and Member of Management Board 1969 (56 years)
Mr. Yuriy Nikolaevich Krugovykh Member of Mang. Board, First Deputy CEO & Deputy Gen. Dir. for Info., Policy of Apatit and Director 1955 (70 years)
Dmitry Morozov Member of the Management Board & Advisor to the CEO of PhosAgro 1964 (61 year)
Mr. Alexander Evgenievich Seleznev Chief of Staff for the CEO & Director 1984 (41 year)
Mr. Andrey Serov Head of Investor Relations
Mr. Mikhail Sterkin Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Sales & Marketing 1960 (65 years)

Address: Russia, Moscow, Building 1 - open in Google maps, open in Yandex maps