Portfolio "Тинькофф" (₽)

207 969.05 ₽
Attached 239 152.23 ₽
-31 183.18 ₽ -13.04 %
-11 184.12 ₽ -5.1 % in day
18.41 %
With reinvestment 1.71 %
Passive income
5 182 ₽ 23.97 %
431.83 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Currency 100 733.65 48.44 % +13 467.3 ₽ 15.43 %
Shares 107 235.40 51.56 % -44 650.48 ₽ -29.4 %
Initial cost: 239 152.23 ₽
Price: 207 969.05 ₽
Profitability: -31 183.18 ₽ ( -13.04 % )
Profitability per year: 18.41 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: 18.41 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 1.71 %
Income per year: 5 182.00 ₽
Income per month: 431.83 ₽
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TitlePurchase price, ₽Current price, ₽QuantityInitial amount, ₽Current amount, ₽ChangesChanges, %Share, %
Доллар 72.17 83.83 1 155 83 356.35 96 823.65 +13 467.3 +16.16% 96.12
Рубль 1 1 3 910 3 910 3 910 0 0% 3.88
Quantity: 25 06587 266.35100 733.656 733.658.08100%
Price 87 266.35 ₽
Current cost 100 733.65 ₽
Current income 13 467.30 ₽
Current yield 15.43 %
Profitability per year 6.88 %
en.porti.ru1. Jan20 JanFeb '25Feb '2510 Feb10 Feb20 Feb20 FebMar '25Mar '2510 Mar10 Mar20 Mar20 Mar
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
АФК Система (AFKS) 20.43 ₽ 16.24 ₽ 20 430.2 ₽ 16 242 ₽ -4 188.2 ₽ -20.5% 1 000 520 15.15
Газпром (GAZP) 315.92 ₽ 147.66 ₽ 63 183.2 ₽ 29 532 ₽ -33 651.2 ₽ -53.26% 200 0 27.54
Русал (Rusal) (RUAL) 52.8 ₽ 39.39 ₽ 21 121.76 ₽ 15 754 ₽ -5 367.76 ₽ -25.41% 400 0 14.69
Сбербанк (SBER) 201.3 ₽ 306 ₽ 28 182.14 ₽ 42 840 ₽ +14 657.86 ₽ +52.01% 140 4 662 39.95
Сегежа Групп (Segezha) (SGZH) 10.54 ₽ 1.59 ₽ 18 968.58 ₽ 2 867.4 ₽ -16 101.18 ₽ -84.88% 1 800 0 2.67
Quantity: 5151 885.88107 235.4-44 650.48-29.4 %3 5405 182100
Price 151 885.88 ₽
Current cost 107 235.40 ₽
Current income -44 650.48 ₽
Current yield -29.4 %
Profitability per year 3.29 %
Average dividend yield 3.31 %
Dividends per year 5 182.00 ₽
Dividends per month 431.83 ₽
Dividends121299663300АФК СистемаАФК СистемаГазпромГазпромРусал (Rusal)Русал (Rusal)СбербанкСбербанкСегежа Групп (Segezha)Сегежа Групп (Segezha)
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