Portfolio "Вечный портфель" (₽)

1 891 712.43 ₽
Attached 1 229 831.03 ₽
+661 881.4 ₽ 53.82 %
-6 002.1 ₽ -0.3163 % in day
2.62 %
With reinvestment 6.14 %
Passive income
161 881.41 ₽ 5.45 %
13 490.12 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Currency 244 704.83 12.94 % 0 ₽ 0 %
Shares 773 577.80 40.89 % +372 732 ₽ 92.99 %
Bonds 345 929.80 18.29 % -24 550.6 ₽ -6.63 %
ETF 527 500.00 27.88 % +313 700 ₽ 146.73 %
Initial cost: 1 229 831.03 ₽
Price: 1 891 712.43 ₽
Profitability: +661 881.4 ₽ ( 53.82 % )
Profitability per year: 2.62 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: 2.62 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 6.14 %
Income per year: 161 881.41 ₽
Income per month: 13 490.12 ₽
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TitlePurchase price, ₽Current price, ₽QuantityInitial amount, ₽Current amount, ₽ChangesChanges, %Share, %
Рубль 1 1 244 704.83 244 704.83 244 704.83 0 0% 100
Price 244 704.83 ₽
Current cost 244 704.83 ₽
Current income 0.00 ₽
Current yield 0 %
Profitability per year 0 %
en.porti.ru1. Jan20 JanFeb '25Feb '2510 Feb10 Feb20 Feb20 FebMar '25Mar '2510 Mar10 Mar20 Mar20 Mar
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
Лукойл (LKOH) 3 914 ₽ 7 061.5 ₽ 101 764 ₽ 183 599 ₽ +81 835 ₽ +80.42% 26 40 378 23.73
Ростелеком (RTKM) 52.13 ₽ 66.13 ₽ 99 047 ₽ 125 647 ₽ +26 600 ₽ +26.86% 1 900 11 514 16.24
Сбербанк (SBER) 110.95 ₽ 307.9 ₽ 99 855 ₽ 277 110 ₽ +177 255 ₽ +177.51% 900 29 970 35.82
Северсталь (CHMF) 614.6 ₽ 1 148.6 ₽ 100 179.8 ₽ 187 221.8 ₽ +87 042 ₽ +86.89% 163 50 518.59 24.2
Quantity: 4400 845.8773 577.8372 73292.99 %2 989132 380.59100
Price 400 845.80 ₽
Current cost 773 577.80 ₽
Current income 372 732.00 ₽
Current yield 92.99 %
Profitability per year 43.2 %
Average dividend yield 11.45 %
Dividends per year 132 380.59 ₽
Dividends per month 11 031.72 ₽
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %QuantityPayout frequencyCoupon yield, %CouponAnnual couponNext payment date
МТС 1P-14 867.1 ₽ 816.9 ₽ 130 065 ₽ 122 535 ₽ -7 530 ₽ -5.79% 35.42 150 91 7.61 +2 467.5 +9 897.12 15.05.2025
ОФЗ 26212 891.64 ₽ 815.18 ₽ 98 080.4 ₽ 89 669.8 ₽ -8 410.6 ₽ -8.58% 25.92 110 182 7.91 +3 866.5 +7 754.24 23.07.2025
РЖД 1Р-16R 948.9 ₽ 891.5 ₽ 142 335 ₽ 133 725 ₽ -8 610 ₽ -6.05% 38.66 150 182 8.33 +5 908.5 +11 849.46 26.06.2025
Quantity: 3370 480.4345 929.8-24 550.6-6.63 %100%410151.677.95 %12 242.529 500.82
Price 370 480.4 ₽
Current cost 345 929.8 ₽
Current income -24 550.6 ₽
Current yield -6.63 %
Profitability per year -2.64 %
Average coupon yield 7.95 %
Coupons per year 29 500.82 ₽
Coupons per month 2 458.4 ₽
NKD 5 776.3 ₽
Coupon yield10108866442200МТС 1P-14МТС 1P-14ОФЗ 26212ОФЗ 26212РЖД 1Р-16RРЖД 1Р-16R


TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %Quantity
БПИФ Т-Капитал ЗОЛОТО (TGLD) 4.28 ₽ 10.55 ₽ 213 800 ₽ 527 500 ₽ +313 700 ₽ +146.73% 100 50 000
Price 213 800.00 ₽
Current cost 527 500.00 ₽
Current income 313 700.00 ₽
Current yield 146.73 %
Profitability per year 59.44 %
Amount of money spent on commissions 10 708.25 ₽
Profitability ETF1601601201208080404000БПИФ Т-Капитал ЗОЛОТОБПИФ Т-Капитал ЗОЛОТО
