Portfolio "Овощной" (₽)

89 516.54 ₽
Attached 88 856.95 ₽
+659.59 ₽ 0.7423 %
-2 078.95 ₽ -2.27 % in day
-2.26 %
With reinvestment 4.21 %
Passive income
4 847.4 ₽ 28.9 %
403.95 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Currency 43 614.00 48.72 % 0 ₽ 0 %
Shares 44 453.54 49.66 % +716.29 ₽ 1.64 %
ETF 1 449.00 1.62 % -56.7 ₽ -3.77 %
Initial cost: 88 856.95 ₽
Price: 89 516.54 ₽
Profitability: +659.59 ₽ ( 0.7423 % )
Profitability per year: -2.26 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: -2.26 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 4.21 %
Income per year: 4 847.40 ₽
Income per month: 403.95 ₽
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TitlePurchase price, ₽Current price, ₽QuantityInitial amount, ₽Current amount, ₽ChangesChanges, %Share, %
Рубль 1 1 43 614 43 614 43 614 0 0% 100
Price 43 614.00 ₽
Current cost 43 614.00 ₽
Current income 0.00 ₽
Current yield 0 %
Profitability per year 0 %
en.porti.ru1. Jan20 JanFeb '25Feb '2510 Feb10 Feb20 Feb20 FebMar '25Mar '2510 Mar10 Mar20 Mar20 Mar
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
Quince Therapeutics, Inc. (QNCX) 1.1 $ 1.34 $ 4.4 $ 5.36 $ +0.96 $ +21.82% 4 0 1.01
Газпром (GAZP) 161.26 ₽ 147.66 ₽ 1 612.6 ₽ 1 476.6 ₽ -136 ₽ -8.43% 10 0 3.32
Роснефть (ROSN) 602.3 ₽ 497.05 ₽ 9 034.5 ₽ 7 455.75 ₽ -1 578.75 ₽ -17.47% 15 982.2 16.77
Ростелеком (RTKM) 70.19 ₽ 66.5 ₽ 701.9 ₽ 665 ₽ -36.9 ₽ -5.26% 10 60.6 1.5
Сбербанк (SBER) 274.08 ₽ 306 ₽ 24 667.2 ₽ 27 540 ₽ +2 872.8 ₽ +11.65% 90 2 997 61.95
Сегежа Групп (Segezha) (SGZH) 3.81 ₽ 1.59 ₽ 76.2 ₽ 31.86 ₽ -44.34 ₽ -58.19% 20 0 0.0717
Татнефть (TATN) 727.6 ₽ 683.5 ₽ 7 276 ₽ 6 835 ₽ -441 ₽ -6.06% 10 807.6 15.38
Quantity: 743 737.2544 453.54716.291.64 %1594 847.4100
Price 43 737.25 ₽
Current cost 44 453.54 ₽
Current income 716.29 ₽
Current yield 1.64 %
Profitability per year 2.57 %
Average dividend yield 8.47 %
Dividends per year 4 847.40 ₽
Dividends per month 403.95 ₽
Dividends1515121299663300Quince Therapeutics, Inc.Quince Therapeutics, Inc.ГазпромГазпромРоснефтьРоснефтьРостелекомРостелекомСбербанкСбербанкСегежа Групп (Segezha)Сегежа Групп (Segezha)ТатнефтьТатнефть
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %Quantity
ТИНЬКОФФ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКИ (TSOX) 7.17 ₽ 6.9 ₽ 1 505.7 ₽ 1 449 ₽ -56.7 ₽ -3.77% 100 210
Price 1 505.70 ₽
Current cost 1 449.00 ₽
Current income -56.70 ₽
Current yield -3.77 %
Profitability per year -3.05 %
Amount of money spent on commissions 10.00 ₽
