Average analyst price
Fair price = 0.053 ₽
Current price = 0.0078 ₽ (difference = +582.16%)
Idea | Price forecast | Changes | Expiration date | Analyst |
ТГК-1: тарифы на свет и газ радуют глаз | 0.01 ₽ | +0.0022 ₽ (28.73%) | 30.12.2025 | БКС |
ТГК-1: тепленькая пошла | 0.09598 ₽ | +0.0882 ₽ (1135.58%) | 30.12.2025 | АКБФ |
0.06 | 582.15 |
Price based on EPS
Price = EPS * (1 + CAGR EPS) / (Key Rate * Excess Key Rate)
Key Rate = Key rate
Fair price = 0.0122 ₽
Current price = 0.0078 ₽ (difference = +56.84%)
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