Average analyst price
Fair price = 187.12 ₽
Current price = 167.2 ₽ (difference = +11.92%)
Idea | Price forecast | Changes | Expiration date | Analyst |
Газпром: мечты (выйти в ноль) сбываются | 200 ₽ | +32.8 ₽ (19.62%) | 21.02.2026 | Атон |
Стратегия ВТБ на 2025 год: на этот раз IT и нефтегаз | 157 ₽ | -10.2 ₽ (-6.1%) | 13.01.2026 | ВТБ (Мои Инвестиции) |
Газпром воспользовался машиной времени | 142 ₽ | -25.2 ₽ (-15.07%) | 24.12.2025 | ЦИФРА Брокер |
Газпром: алло, это дно? | 205 ₽ | +37.8 ₽ (22.61%) | 18.12.2025 | Альфа Банк |
Газпром: мечты сбываются, но не сразу | 267.03 ₽ | +99.83 ₽ (59.71%) | 17.12.2025 | АКБФ |
Газпром: голубой огонек | 205 ₽ | +37.8 ₽ (22.61%) | 05.11.2025 | БКС |
Газпром: мечты о дивидендах сбываются | 183.4 ₽ | +16.2 ₽ (9.69%) | 02.09.2025 | Синара Инвестбанк |
Газпром: триллион на газе | 150 ₽ | -17.2 ₽ (-10.29%) | 30.08.2025 | Риком-Траст |
Газпром: дивиденды на газе | 210 ₽ | +42.8 ₽ (25.6%) | 30.08.2025 | ПСБ |
Газпром: а у нас в квартире газ | 151.8 ₽ | -15.4 ₽ (-9.21%) | 31.05.2025 | Финам |
Price based on EPS
Price = Price * (100 - CAGR EPS * Excess Key Rate) / 100
Key Rate = Key rate
Fair price = 55.95 ₽
Current price = 167.2 ₽ (difference = -66.54%)
Discounted Cash Flow (Based EBITDA)
Price = (Terminal Value + Company Value) / Count shares
Price - Fair price
Terminal Value — cost in the post-forecast period
Company Value — cost during the forecast period
Count shares - Number of shares
Terminal Value = Discount Ebitda(5) * (1 + Ebitda Yield) / (WACC - Ebitda Yield)
Company Value = ∑ (Future Ebitda / (1 + WACC) ^ 5)
WACC - weighted average cost of capital (taking into account country risks, inflation, taxes, etc.)
Fair price = 246.52 ₽
Current price = 167.2 ₽ (difference = +47.44%)
Discounted Cash Flow (Based FCF)
Price = (Terminal Value + Company Value) / Count shares
Price - Fair price
Terminal Value — cost in the post-forecast period
Company Value — cost during the forecast period
Count shares - Number of shares
Terminal Value = Discount FCF(5) * (1 + FCF Yield) / (WACC - FCF Yield) ^ 5
Company Value = ∑ (FCF / (1 + WACC) ^ 5)
WACC - weighted average cost of capital (taking into account country risks, inflation, taxes, etc.)
Fair price = -127.65 ₽
Current price = 167.2 ₽ (difference = -176.34%)
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