MOEX: UPRO - Юнипро

Yield per half year: +15.19%
Dividend yield: 0.00%
Sector: Э/Генерация

Company Analysis Юнипро

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1. Summary


  • Price (1.99 ₽) is less than fair price (2.92 ₽)
  • Current debt level 0.476% is below 100% and has decreased over 5 years from 2.3%.
  • The company's current efficiency (ROE=15.62%) is higher than the sector average (ROE=9.41%)


  • Dividends (0%) are below the sector average (1.73%).
  • The stock's return over the last year (-4.87%) is lower than the sector average (20.91%).

2. Share price and performance

2.1. Share price

2.2. News

No news yet

2.3. Market efficiency

Юнипро Э/Генерация Index
7 days -1.2% 3.6% -2.9%
90 days 13.9% 48.6% 15.8%
1 year -4.9% 20.9% -4.5%

UPRO vs Sector: Юнипро has significantly underperformed the "Э/Генерация" sector by -25.78% over the past year.

UPRO vs Market: Юнипро has underperformed the market marginally by -0.3943% over the past year.

Stable price: UPRO is not significantly more volatile than the rest of the market on "Московская биржа" over the last 3 months, with typical variations of +/- 5% per week.

Long period: UPRO with weekly volatility of -0.0936% over the past year.

3. Summary of the report

3.1. General

P/E: 5.78
P/S: 1.07

3.2. Revenue

EPS 0.3496
ROE 15.62%
ROA 14.1%
ROIC 6.98%
Ebitda margin 40.9%

4. Fundamental Analysis

4.1. Stock price and price forecast

The fair price is calculated taking into account the Central Bank refinancing rate and earnings per share (EPS)

Below fair price: The current price (1.99 ₽) is lower than the fair price (2.92 ₽).

Price significantly below the fair price: The current price (1.99 ₽) is 46.7% lower than the fair price.

4.2. P/E

P/E vs Sector: The company's P/E (5.78) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (11.83).

P/E vs Market: The company's P/E (5.78) is lower than that of the market as a whole (8.95).

4.2.1 P/E Similar companies

4.3. P/BV

P/BV vs Sector: The company's P/BV (0.836) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (0.4337).

P/BV vs Market: The company's P/BV (0.836) is lower than that of the market as a whole (2.57).

4.3.1 P/BV Similar companies

4.4. P/S

P/S vs Sector: The company's P/S indicator (1.07) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (0.4997).

P/S vs Market: The company's P/S indicator (1.07) is lower than that of the market as a whole (1.58).

4.4.1 P/S Similar companies

4.5. EV/Ebitda

EV/Ebitda vs Sector: The company's EV/Ebitda (1.61) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (2.79).

EV/Ebitda vs Market: The company's EV/Ebitda (1.61) is higher than that of the market as a whole (-5.22).

5. Profitability

5.1. Profitability and revenue

5.2. Earnings per share - EPS

5.3. Past profitability Net Income

Yield Trend: Rising and has grown by 12.06% over the last 5 years.

Earnings Slowdown: The last year's return (-30.9%) is below the 5-year average return (12.06%).

Profitability vs Sector: The return for the last year (-30.9%) exceeds the return for the sector (-58.76%).

5.4. ROE

ROE vs Sector: The company's ROE (15.62%) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (9.41%).

ROE vs Market: The company's ROE (15.62%) is higher than that of the market as a whole (-4.31%).

5.5. ROA

ROA vs Sector: The company's ROA (14.1%) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (5.62%).

ROA vs Market: The company's ROA (14.1%) is higher than that of the market as a whole (8.83%).

5.6. ROIC

ROIC vs Sector: The company's ROIC (6.98%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (7.11%).

ROIC vs Market: The company's ROIC (6.98%) is lower than that of the market as a whole (16.32%).

6. Finance

6.1. Assets and debt

Debt level: (0.476%) is quite low in relation to assets.

Debt reduction: over 5 years, the debt has decreased from 2.3% to 0.476%.

Debt Covering: The debt is covered by 3.59% from net profit.

6.2. Profit growth and share price

7. Dividends

7.1. Dividend yield vs Market

Low yield: The dividend yield of the company 0% is below the average for the sector '1.73%.

7.2. Stability and increase in payments

Unstable dividends: The company's dividend yield 0% has not been consistently paid over the past 7 years, DSI=0.5.

Weak dividend growth: The company's dividend yield 0% has been growing weakly or stagnant over the past 5 years. Growth over only 0 years.

7.3. Payout percentage

Dividend Coverage: Current payments from income (0%) are at an uncomfortable level.

8. Insider trades

8.1. Insider trading

Insider Buying Exceeds insider sales by 100% over the last 3 months.

8.2. Latest transactions

8.3. Main owners

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9. Stocks forum Юнипро

9.1. Stocks forum - Latest comments

18 march 22:08
Я думал будет компенсация налога на выход, а тут налог на вход 🙂 , полет шизы , зачем делать вложения в российских олигархов , непонятно

17 march 21:52

17 march 11:25
Пора топить вверх! 😎 😎 😎

9.2. Latest Blogs

13 march 08:39

Рынок на распутье, куда качнется маятник? К чему готовиться инвестору

В отсутствии значимых новостей рынок замер в ожидании решения властей России относительно временного перемирия. На переговорах в Саудовской Аравии во вторник между Украиной и США был согласован месячный перерыв в боевых действиях.

Россия и США провели вчера телефонные переговоры по вопросу урегулирования конфликта на Украине....


12 march 18:52

Юнипро: уже можно?

Компания откатила на 27% от хаев на том, что объявила большущий капекс план, в то время как инвесторы рассчитывали на выплату специального дивиденда:

- CAPEX 327 млрд руб на 7 лет (это 46 млрд/год в среднем)
- Свободный кэш 92 млрд

Условно, мы упали на величину дивиденда, который компания могла бы выплатить при переезде (это очень грубо говоря)

И если мы даже не увидим спе...


10 march 11:30

Юнипро #UPRO. Акции компании больше не интересны?

Начинаем очередную торговую неделю с обзора финансовых результатов российской энергетической компании Юнипро, которая отчиталась за 12М2024 по МСФО. Забегая наперед стоит отметить, что отчет вышел вполне неплохим, только вот рынок отреагировал на него падением акций свыше 14%....


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