MOEX: UGLD - Южуралзолото | ЮГК

Yield per half year: -4.27%
Dividend yield: 0.00%
Sector: Драг.металлы

Company Analysis Южуралзолото | ЮГК

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1. Summary


  • Price (0.7168 ₽) is less than fair price (1.21 ₽)


  • Dividends (0%) are below the sector average (2.79%).
  • The stock's return over the last year (-23.82%) is lower than the sector average (18.86%).
  • Current debt level 28.02% has increased over 5 years from 17.26%.
  • The company's current efficiency (ROE=2.11%) is lower than the sector average (ROE=19.5%)

2. Share price and performance

2.1. Share price

2.2. News

No news yet

2.3. Market efficiency

Южуралзолото | ЮГК Драг.металлы Index
7 days -5.5% -0.8% -3.2%
90 days -1.8% 2.2% 13.1%
1 year -23.8% 18.9% -7.3%

UGLD vs Sector: Южуралзолото | ЮГК has significantly underperformed the "Драг.металлы" sector by -42.67% over the past year.

UGLD vs Market: Южуралзолото | ЮГК has significantly underperformed the market by -16.57% over the past year.

Stable price: UGLD is not significantly more volatile than the rest of the market on "Московская биржа" over the last 3 months, with typical variations of +/- 5% per week.

Long period: UGLD with weekly volatility of -0.458% over the past year.

3. Summary of the report

3.1. General

P/E: 14.4
P/S: 2.63

3.2. Revenue

EPS 0.0034
ROE 2.11%
ROA 0.5701%
Ebitda margin 45.58%

4. Fundamental Analysis

4.1. Stock price and price forecast

The fair price is calculated taking into account the Central Bank refinancing rate and earnings per share (EPS)

Below fair price: The current price (0.7168 ₽) is lower than the fair price (1.21 ₽).

Price significantly below the fair price: The current price (0.7168 ₽) is 68.8% lower than the fair price.

4.2. P/E

P/E vs Sector: The company's P/E (14.4) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (15.46).

P/E vs Market: The company's P/E (14.4) is higher than that of the market as a whole (8.95).

4.2.1 P/E Similar companies

4.3. P/BV

P/BV vs Sector: The company's P/BV (5.49) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (-4.6).

P/BV vs Market: The company's P/BV (5.49) is higher than that of the market as a whole (2.57).

4.3.1 P/BV Similar companies

4.4. P/S

P/S vs Sector: The company's P/S indicator (2.63) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (2.12).

P/S vs Market: The company's P/S indicator (2.63) is higher than that of the market as a whole (1.58).

4.4.1 P/S Similar companies

4.5. EV/Ebitda

EV/Ebitda vs Sector: The company's EV/Ebitda (6.85) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (6.53).

EV/Ebitda vs Market: The company's EV/Ebitda (6.85) is higher than that of the market as a whole (-5.22).

5. Profitability

5.1. Profitability and revenue

5.2. Earnings per share - EPS

5.3. Past profitability Net Income

Yield Trend: Negative and has fallen by -19.09% over the last 5 years.

Accelerating profitability: The return for the last year (0%) exceeds the average return for 5 years (-19.09%).

Profitability vs Sector: The return for the last year (0%) exceeds the return for the sector (-84.31%).

5.4. ROE

ROE vs Sector: The company's ROE (2.11%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (19.5%).

ROE vs Market: The company's ROE (2.11%) is higher than that of the market as a whole (-4.31%).

5.5. ROA

ROA vs Sector: The company's ROA (0.5701%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (4.1%).

ROA vs Market: The company's ROA (0.5701%) is lower than that of the market as a whole (8.83%).

5.6. ROIC

ROIC vs Sector: The company's ROIC (0%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (28.15%).

ROIC vs Market: The company's ROIC (0%) is lower than that of the market as a whole (16.32%).

6. Finance

6.1. Assets and debt

Debt level: (28.02%) is quite low in relation to assets.

Increasing debt: over 5 years, the debt has increased from 17.26% to 28.02%.

Excess of debt: The debt is not covered by net income, percentage 4915.57%.

6.2. Profit growth and share price

7. Dividends

7.1. Dividend yield vs Market

Low yield: The dividend yield of the company 0% is below the average for the sector '2.79%.

7.2. Stability and increase in payments

Unstable dividends: The company's dividend yield 0% has not been consistently paid over the past 7 years, DSI=0.

Weak dividend growth: The company's dividend yield 0% has been growing weakly or stagnant over the past 5 years. Growth over only 0 years.

7.3. Payout percentage

Dividend Coverage: Current payments from income (0%) are at an uncomfortable level.

8. Insider trades

8.1. Insider trading

Insider Buying Exceeds insider sales by 100% over the last 3 months.

8.2. Latest transactions

No insider transactions have been recorded yet

8.3. Main owners

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9. Stocks forum Южуралзолото | ЮГК

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9 september 17:54
ЮГК: «Наша инвесторская база насчитывает более 170 тысяч физических лиц»

11 april 22:18

Доброго Вечера всем кто заработал на ЮГК!

Но нельзя вечно сидеть сиднями и чего то ждать, и сегодня увидев супер волатильность после обеда я решил отвалить со своим куском.

Прилагаю графики моих прогноз по сей бумаге. В целом согласен с истинной ценой на PORTI для ЮГК. Именно туда должна последовать коррекция далее.

9.2. Latest Blogs

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