Portfolio "пак" (₽)

28 355.24 ₽
Attached 28 530.78 ₽
-175.55 ₽ -0.6153 %
-273.74 ₽ -0.9562 % in day
-0.6153 %
With reinvestment 13.64 %
Passive income
3 314.62 ₽ 137.94 %
276.22 ₽ in month
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Type Sum Share Income Profitability
Shares 19 196.67 67.70 % -252.31 ₽ -1.3 %
Bonds 9 158.57 32.30 % +76.76 ₽ 0.8452 %
Initial cost: 28 530.78 ₽
Price: 28 355.24 ₽
Profitability: -175.55 ₽ ( -0.6153 % )
Profitability per year: -0.6153 %
Profitability per year without replenishment: -0.6153 %
Profitability per year with reinvestment: 13.64 %
Income per year: 3 314.62 ₽
Income per month: 276.22 ₽
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %QuantityDividends, ₽Share, %
АЛРОСА (ALRS) 71.51 ₽ 54.85 ₽ 10 726.5 ₽ 8 227.5 ₽ -2 499 ₽ -23.3% 150 676.5 42.86
Кузнецкий банк (KUZB) 0.0481 ₽ 0.0369 ₽ 14.62 ₽ 11.22 ₽ -3.4 ₽ -23.28% 304 0.6755 0.0584
МРСК Центра (MRKC) 0.57 ₽ 0.6018 ₽ 14.82 ₽ 15.65 ₽ +0.8268 ₽ +5.58% 26 1.72 0.0815
Мать и Дитя (MD) (MDMG) 822.9 ₽ 1 061 ₽ 3 291.6 ₽ 4 244 ₽ +952.4 ₽ +28.93% 4 732 22.11
Московская биржа (MOEX) 220.89 ₽ 198.5 ₽ 441.78 ₽ 397 ₽ -44.78 ₽ -10.14% 2 34.7 2.07
Ренессанс Страхование (RENI) 98.34 ₽ 125.3 ₽ 4 917 ₽ 6 265 ₽ +1 348 ₽ +27.42% 50 295 32.64
Самараэнерго (SAGO) 3.24 ₽ 2.96 ₽ 16.2 ₽ 14.78 ₽ -1.43 ₽ -8.8% 5 1.17 0.077
ТГК-14 (TGKN) 0.0108 ₽ 0.0085 ₽ 14.79 ₽ 11.62 ₽ -3.16 ₽ -21.39% 1 369 2.39 0.0605
Южуралзолото | ЮГК (UGLD) 0.8334 ₽ 0.7076 ₽ 11.67 ₽ 9.91 ₽ -1.76 ₽ -15.09% 14 0 0.0516
Quantity: 919 448.9819 196.68-252.3-1.3 %1 9241 744.16100
Price 19 448.97 ₽
Current cost 19 196.67 ₽
Current income -252.31 ₽
Current yield -1.3 %
Profitability per year 5.11 %
Average dividend yield 12.4 %
Dividends per year 1 744.16 ₽
Dividends per month 145.35 ₽
Dividends30302424181812126600АЛРОСААЛРОСАКузнецкий банкКузнецкий банкМРСК ЦентраМРСК ЦентраМать и Дитя (MD)Мать и Дитя (MD)Московская биржаМосковская биржаРенессанс СтрахованиеРенессанс СтрахованиеСамараэнергоСамараэнергоТГК-14ТГК-14Южуралзолото | ЮГКЮжуралзолото | ЮГК
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TitlePurchase priceCurrent priceInitial amountCurrent amountChangesChanges, %Share, %QuantityPayout frequencyCoupon yield, %CouponAnnual couponNext payment date
БинФарм1P1 984.2 ₽ 1 001.8 ₽ 1 968.4 ₽ 2 003.6 ₽ +35.2 ₽ +1.79% 21.88 2 91 23.37 +114.68 +459.98 21.05.2025
ИА ДОМ 6P2 109.41 ₽ 103.57 ₽ 109.41 ₽ 103.57 ₽ -5.84 ₽ -5.34% 1.13 1 89 10.9 +2.91 +11.93 28.05.2025
ОФЗ 26224 723.5 ₽ 747 ₽ 1 447 ₽ 1 494 ₽ +47 ₽ +3.25% 16.31 2 182 9.54 +68.82 +138.02 28.05.2025
ОФЗ 26244 824 ₽ 820.7 ₽ 1 648 ₽ 1 641.4 ₽ -6.6 ₽ -0.4005% 17.92 2 182 13.65 +112.2 +225.02 24.09.2025
ОФЗ 29014 1 000.4 ₽ 996.1 ₽ 2 000.8 ₽ 1 992.2 ₽ -8.6 ₽ -0.4298% 21.75 2 91 23.52 +117.32 +470.55 25.06.2025
СамолетP12 954.1 ₽ 961.9 ₽ 1 908.2 ₽ 1 923.8 ₽ +15.6 ₽ +0.8175% 21.01 2 91 13.89 +66.06 +264.97 11.04.2025
Quantity: 69 081.819 158.5776.760.8452 %100%1112116.26 %481.991 570.47
Price 9 081.81 ₽
Current cost 9 158.57 ₽
Current income 76.76 ₽
Current yield 0.8452 %
Profitability per year 0.8672 %
Average coupon yield 16.26 %
Coupons per year 1 570.46 ₽
Coupons per month 130.87 ₽
NKD 152.81 ₽
Coupon yield2424181812126600БинФарм1P1БинФарм1P1ИА ДОМ 6P2ИА ДОМ 6P2ОФЗ 26224ОФЗ 26224ОФЗ 26244ОФЗ 26244ОФЗ 29014ОФЗ 29014СамолетP12СамолетP12
