Company Analysis Si-Bone Inc
1. Summary
- Price (13.81 $) is less than fair price (18.79 $)
- The stock's return over the last year (-30.79%) is higher than the sector average (-35.48%).
- Current debt level 0% is below 100% and has decreased over 5 years from 33.52%.
- Dividends (0%) are below the sector average (0%).
- The company's current efficiency (ROE=0%) is lower than the sector average (ROE=0%)
Similar companies
2. Share price and performance
2.1. Share price
2.2. News
2.3. Market efficiency
Si-Bone Inc | Index | ||
7 days | 9.7% | 2.9% | -3.4% |
90 days | 12.6% | -0.7% | 3.8% |
1 year | -30.8% | -35.5% | 29.2% |
SIBN vs Sector: Si-Bone Inc has outperformed the "" sector by 4.7% over the past year.
SIBN vs Market: Si-Bone Inc has significantly underperformed the market by -59.98% over the past year.
Stable price: SIBN is not significantly more volatile than the rest of the market on "NASDAQ" over the last 3 months, with typical variations of +/- 5% per week.
Long period: SIBN with weekly volatility of -0.5921% over the past year.
3. Summary of the report
4. Fundamental Analysis
4.1. Stock price and price forecast
Below fair price: The current price (13.81 $) is lower than the fair price (18.79 $).
Price significantly below the fair price: The current price (13.81 $) is 36.1% lower than the fair price.
4.2. P/E
P/E vs Sector: The company's P/E (0) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (0).
P/E vs Market: The company's P/E (0) is lower than that of the market as a whole (48.79).
4.3. P/BV
P/BV vs Sector: The company's P/BV (0) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (0).
P/BV vs Market: The company's P/BV (0) is lower than that of the market as a whole (3.36).
4.4. P/S
P/S vs Sector: The company's P/S indicator (0) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (0).
P/S vs Market: The company's P/S indicator (0) is lower than that of the market as a whole (10.23).
4.5. EV/Ebitda
EV/Ebitda vs Sector: The company's EV/Ebitda (0) is higher than that of the sector as a whole (0).
EV/Ebitda vs Market: The company's EV/Ebitda (0) is lower than that of the market as a whole (28.28).
5. Profitability
5.1. Profitability and revenue
5.2. Earnings per share - EPS
5.3. Past profitability Net Income
Yield Trend: Negative and has fallen by -20% over the last 5 years.
Accelerating profitability: The return for the last year (0%) exceeds the average return for 5 years (-20%).
Profitability vs Sector: The return for the last year (0%) is lower than the return for the sector (0%).
5.4. ROE
ROE vs Sector: The company's ROE (0%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (0%).
ROE vs Market: The company's ROE (0%) is lower than that of the market as a whole (10.82%).
5.5. ROA
ROA vs Sector: The company's ROA (0%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (0%).
ROA vs Market: The company's ROA (0%) is lower than that of the market as a whole (6.51%).
5.6. ROIC
ROIC vs Sector: The company's ROIC (0%) is lower than that of the sector as a whole (0%).
ROIC vs Market: The company's ROIC (0%) is lower than that of the market as a whole (10.79%).
7. Dividends
7.1. Dividend yield vs Market
Low yield: The dividend yield of the company 0% is below the average for the sector '0%.
7.2. Stability and increase in payments
Unstable dividends: The company's dividend yield 0% has not been consistently paid over the past 7 years, DSI=0.
Weak dividend growth: The company's dividend yield 0% has been growing weakly or stagnant over the past 5 years. Growth over only 0 years.
7.3. Payout percentage
Dividend Coverage: Current payments from income (0%) are at an uncomfortable level.
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