Analytics Gordon Haskett

Company Idea Forecast date Expiration date Price Price target Changes, %
Uber More details 31.10.2024 29.04.2025 65.97 85 28.85%

Company Idea Forecast date Expiration date Price Price target Closing price Changes, % Status
Lowe's Подробнее 03.04.2024 30.09.2024 222.24 245 222.24 -10.24%
Redfin Corporation Подробнее 29.02.2024 27.08.2024 7.92 5.5 11.08 +50.36%
Academy Sports and Outdoors, Inc. Подробнее 28.08.2023 27.08.2024 53.69 52 53.29 +2.42%
Compass, Inc. Подробнее 21.02.2024 19.08.2024 4.16 2.25 3.97 +43.32%
Petco Health and Wellness Company, Inc. Подробнее 28.04.2023 27.04.2024 5.19 10 1.6 -526.96%